Paper fabric, thread, glass containers, needles, slik screen paint
Research Wearable is a series of six experimental vestments, that collect daily explorations and information. In this project I investigate textiles as relational gatherings of interactions. These series of wearables unfold dialogues and experimentations within an everyday context, allowing each vestment to be immersed in diverse actions, systems and disciplines. This project looks at wearable as a form to explore the context of smooth spaces, and portable laboratories. Research Wearable is an investigation tool that allows our body to relate and explore our environment and context in diverse ways.
Research Wearable I is a flat piece of cloth that can be folded, transformed, used in many ways and can be joined, plugged in and transformed with other wearables generating a 3D embodied space. This cape has holes which reflect that information enters but it also exits which suggests that it has the ability to be penetrated and to penetrate others. This first wearable can be used as a tablecloth, a bag, a pillow, a notebook and many other ways that explore open systems, and nomadic bodies. Research Wearable I is fully equipped with water proved pencils, glass tubes, thread, needles, plexiglass small boxes, transparent bags, magnifier glasses and tweezers.
These series explores a relational exchange with actual and virtual body interactions. Its future plan includes traveling to Montreal and Mexico to explore other daily activities related to thread forces. Do to weather conditions it hasn't been active in outside environments.
More to come...