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Bicycle, computer, projector, peltri dishes, speakers

Spaz.lab is a mobile bicycle driven laboratory that contains drawers, magnifier glasses, notebooks, microscopes, peltry dishes, projectors, books and some other tools that change depending upon our field trip experiments. Spaz.lab is a transmodal and transdisciplinary mobile laboratory devoted to experimentation, collaboration, and engagement that crosses paradigms, bodies, and dialectic terms. This laboratory takes nothing for granted; instead it operates actively and lively, provoking agencies as a way to engage reality in a constructive, critical, and creative way. This project develops new procedures of collaboration toward crocheting diverse disciplines together (art, sociology, philosophy, biology, dumpster diving, breaking and entering and evading arrest for example) that initiate different engagements. 


Spaz.lab has jumped thresholds of illegal borders which have trigger the experimentation with food, guerilla gardening, land field systems, mobile gardens and pop-up film projections.

Spaz.lab is a collaborative project with Benjamin Burpee.

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spaz.lab bike 2
photo 1
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spaz.lab bike
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spaz.lab mobile garden
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